Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Friday, November 16, 2018

my sister....

Seeing my sister again, since the sadness of our dad's passing away in 2016, brought back such sweet, beautiful memories for me. She is living proof that our parents really brought us up in the fear of the Lord and that they have provided us a home that became our shelter, refuge and a place where love is unconditionally given. She has been my role model and gold standard in terms of how to live life fully. She was a huge support in my College and University (post-graduate) years. That I have known her for the past 50 years, she has selflessly helped most of us emotionally, materially and spiritually. Being born in a poor, developing country, has not stained her always cheerful personality, not one bit but has instead made her to be the most generous and most thankful person I've ever known. At a young age of 19, she challenged the adversities, packed up and went overseas to make a life of her own successfully. Being diagnosed with double primary cancer (the past 10 years or so) has not quenched her adventurous spirit and made her "shining light" more evident to all of us! I am so blessed to have a sister like her... I started to write this post as a glowing testament of a younger sister to a Proverbs31:10 woman like her. Through this post, I do hope I have expressed my praise to the Father and my deepest thanksgiving to a God-given sister and a warm, funny friend. She is one of a kind. I am certainly one of the few who GOD has divinely assigned us the same DNA.! Love you sis! Kudos to your victory over this affliction.! Isaiah 38:16 "Those live whom the LORD protects; yours is the life of my spirit. You have given me health and restored my life"

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